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Latin America

I am Saving—Lessons Learned from Implementation of Integrated Savings Services and Financial Education for Two Ecuadorian Credit Unions

This publication by the European Microfinance Platform analyzes a variety of macro- and micro-level factors that can impact the scalability and sustainability of youth integrated services. The work of two Ecuadorian credit union partners, Cooperativa San Jose and Cooperativa Cooprogreso, are highlighted to share their experiences of developing youth financial and nonfinancial services.

Buena gobernanza en acción: homenaje a David Russell, miembro del Consejo de Grameen Foundation Ud.

October 13, 2014

“Es difícil desprenderse de los malos hábitos.  Aunque, si de un modo u otro, uno consigue convertir un mal hábito en uno bueno, este también será difícil de erradicar”. Con esta sencilla frase, David Russell, miembro del Consejo de Grameen Foundation, captó con elegancia el reto, y la oportunidad, de nuestra iniciativa latinoamericana “granjeros conectados” ,que intenta convencer a los agricultores de subsistencia de la adopción de mejores prácticas agrícolas.

The Start of a Bold Movement: eMerge Americas 2014

May 13, 2014

I have watched many people set out to start something completely new as a way to increase social impact. I have even started a few such ventures – such as Grameen Foundation – myself. It takes a lot to launch a successful start-up, including courage and, dare I say, cojones. There is significant risk involved, and with the upside of transformation comes the often looming downside of humiliating failure. 

Juan & Maria

Before they wed more than 32 years ago, Juan Arcangel Diosa and Maria Silvia Flores were day laborers. The young married couple soon got a small piece of land, and became coffee farmers.  For the past 15 years, they have belonged to a farmers’ cooperative, Cooperativa de Caficultores de Salgar (Coocafisa)

Sharing everything, Juan and Maria are able to grow and process high quality coffee beans.  They tend to the trees, and pick, pulp, wash, dry and toast their beans--and find a regular market with the farmers’ cooperative.


This case study illustrates how PRISMA Microfinance, an MFI in Peru, has collected three years of PPI data to reach and serve its target clientele. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities that the institution is facing and how it plans to address them.

Double Bottom Line Business Case

Most economic development programs that aim to reach the poorest households have not been designed using a sustainable business approach. Instead, these programs have been developed as grants and charity-driven projects. While there is a role for grant-driven programs, organizations can also make sustainable business decisions to extend outreach to poorer populations in the medium to long term.
