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Latin America

How can we strengthen women’s economic empowerment in Central America? With a $368K matching fund and wrap-around support

April 16, 2019 by Amelia Kuklewicz and Elliott Collins

Entrepreneurship is a vital part of life for women in Central America, where unemployment is 50 percent higher for women than for men. But women entrepreneurs are squeezed from many sides as they struggle to launch and grow their businesses.


Woman in Honduras reviews paperwork for a microloan with our local partnerWe focus on strengthening economic opportunities for women and their families by tackling the financial, legal and policy barriers women face in starting and growing sustainable businesses.

El Salvador

Female client in El Salvador prepares corn for a meal.We focus on reducing barriers to women's economic empowerment by strengthening access to financial services, training and other resources needed to build sustainable businesses.

Financial Inclusion’s Missing Link: What about the credit officer?

June 13, 2017 by Amelia Kuklewicz

As an industry, we have made significant strides in understanding, measuring and tracking financial inclusion worldwide. One sign is the steady stream of emails, conferences and webinars discussing best practices for creating useful, affordable products and services, educating clients appropriately, and safeguarding their rights. But there is one crucial element missing from most of these discussions: frontline staff.

Yet, microfinance field officers play an outsized role in the lives of poor families.

The price of good health

May 31, 2017 by Dr. Gabriela Salvador

Several years ago, while working with an indigenous Guatemalan community to improve health access, a pregnant woman experiencing severe convulsions arrived at the local clinic. Fatima was close to full term, and had two young children by her side. But her convulsions were already out of control. She died shortly after arriving.

Grameen Foundation awarded Force for Change Grant from

WASHINGTON—Dec. 16, 2015—Grameen Foundation today announced that it has received a Force for Change grant from, the philanthropic arm of Salesforce. These funds will be used to improve economic opportunities for smallholder farmers in Colombia using mobile technology and Salesforce App Cloud. The grant will enable Grameen Foundation to expand its mSourcing solution, which allows private and public sector players in the horticulture supply chain to work more cost-effectively with smallholder farmers.  
