The deadly Ebola virus currently plaguing the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is spread by contact with the blood or body fluids of a person with the disease. It’s also spread by rumors and disinformation.
Grameen Foundation Insights
The global movement to end poverty and hunger depends on the constant exchange of experience and ideas. That’s why we are eager to share our experiences with people like you.
Our Insights blog shares lessons learned from leaders in the field; examines efforts to bring resources and services to poor communities; and reviews how poverty-focused organizations are using data for greater impact.
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Vaccinations can be frightening to receive but much better than actually getting the disease.
01/28/2020 by Monica Amponsah

A Community Agent engaged in a conversation with a customer.
01/02/2020 by HABI Education Lab, Grameen Foundation content partner
In 2015, Grameen Foundation launched the Community Agent Network (CAN). Its goal was to improve the resilience of the financially unserved and underserved by building a last-mile network of Grameen Community Agents in micro and small neighborhood shops to provide digital financial services (DFS) to their neighbors in remote villages in the Philippines.

11/04/2019 by Bobbi Gray
This post originally appeared in the Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion Blog.
I’m a Freakonomics junkie. Stephen Dubner, the host, presents one of the more entertaining ways to consume the latest research.

Denise, a refugee in Bidi Bidi, Uganda reviews a mobile money app on her phone.
08/05/2019 by Lauren Henricks, Executive Vice President, Grameen Foundation
The Bidi Bidi refugee camp, in northwestern Uganda, is the largest refugee settlement in the country, and the second-largest refugee camp in the world, hosting 220,000 refugees who have fled the devastation and humanitarian crisis of the protracted civil war in South Sudan.

Woman and her children from Central America inside the woman's business at a local market.
04/16/2019 by Amelia Kuklewicz and Elliott Collins
Entrepreneurship is a vital part of life for women in Central America, where unemployment is 50 percent higher for women than for men. But women entrepreneurs are squeezed from many sides as they struggle to launch and grow their businesses.

A shopkeeper in Kenya displays her fabrics and quilts for sale.
03/15/2019 by Mary Vail, MBA
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines entrepreneur as one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise. As an entrepreneur, I can appreciate how others seek to find success in operating their own business. And I am often amazed at the challenges some must overcome to ensure their business thrives.

03/07/2019 by Lauren Hendricks, Sanjay Podder and Charu Adesnik
Despite the buzz of excitement about the rapid pace of change due to new technologies, women are too often left behind, especially in lower income countries. The gaps are clear: a 10 percent gender gap in mobile phone ownership (unchanged over the past five years), and a 23 percent gap for mobile internet usage.
Small holder farmers look at a Farm Development Plan prepared for their farm.
03/07/2019 by Steve Hollingworth
That morning ritual loved by millions, a simple cup of coffee, may one day be a thing of the past.

With encouragement, more women are learning to use digital financial tools to manage their money and connect to key government services.
12/14/2018 by Jessie Tientcheu, Vice President Global Program Operations, Grameen Foundation
It has been a notable year for women’s economic empowerment. Women’s entrepreneurship is rising globally, with the strongest growth in Latin America and the Caribbean. Ghana has the highest percentage of women business owners globally, according to the latest MasterCard Index.

Sindhu, a Grameen Mitra, her husband, and daughter.
Earlier this month, supporters from the global financial services firm, Capital Group, joined Grameen Foundation to see our work in India. There, in the dead center of this country of 1.3 billion people, we met Sindhu. This is her story.