We place women at the center of our work, creating the services, tools and networks they need to breakthrough complex and entrenched situations of poverty and hunger. The purpose of our partnerships--spanning financial services, health, and agriculture--is to create sustainable solutions that can be broadly implemented to improve the lives of women and families living in poor, rural communities.
Here you can find examples of that impact for select projects.

Impact: WomenLink Phase 1 in the Philippines
From vision and strategy to end results, view this snapshot of the WomenLink project and how it has helped to expand financial inclusion of poor and low-income women in the Philippines.
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Impact: Rajasthan Nutrition Project
The Rajasthan Nutrition Project uses women’s self-help groups as a foundation to address India’s crisis of rural malnutrition. Find out how Community Nutrition Advocates working with indigenous women have improved the lives of more than 30,000 women, men and children in poor, marginalized communities.
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Impact: Digital loan for Kenya's Smallholder Farmers
Grameen Foundation and Musoni Microfinance developed the Kilimo Booster loan tailored to the needs of smallholders. We have disbursed more than 34,000 of these loans, and 70% of group loans have gone to women.
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Impact: Building Resilience in Burkina Faso
Building Resilience in Burkina Faso builds women’s capacity to withstand climate shocks and improve their livelihoods through their engagement in Savings Groups. Find out how an integrated package of agricultural, nutrition, health and financial information and services, along with gender dialogues is changing the lives of women and their family members.
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Impact: Savings Groups for Reproductive Health in Bénin
Women’s Savings Groups for Better Reproductive Health in Bénin has delivered family planning education to women in hundreds of savings groups in the country’s southern region. It builds upon a savings program that has enabled thousands of women to save for health-related issues. See how the project has empowered women to take care of their own and their families’ health. Watch for additional impacts on empowering rural women and men to make thoughtful and informed decisions regarding planning their families.
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Impact: Mother and Child Health Project
In a part of India where over half of children and women suffer from anemia, the Maa aur Shishu Swathya (MASS), or Mother and Child Health Project, has worked since 2015 to bring women and their families an integrated, comprehensive package of financial services, health financing, health education and linkages to formal health providers. Find out how this project has improved life-saving knowledge of good nutrition and health practices.
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