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Each one teach three. That is the motto of the Maa aur Shishu Swasthya (MASS, or the Mother and Child Health) Program. And it’s made all the difference in Ranubala and her family.

The mother of four in eastern India earns very little, making saving on her own difficult. In the past, whenever someone fell ill, she had to borrow from family and neighbors and cobble together what she could to pay for their care.

Breakthroughs in women’s empowerment: Decision-making power of women in microfinance and financial self-help groups in Jharkhand and West Bengal

This research brief presents results from a series of “Health Diaries”—or frequent surveyor-administered surveys—conducted with 45 women in West Bengal and Jharkhand, India to uncover how low-income women prepare for, cover, and recover from health costs and focuses specifically on household decision-making behaviors and gender dynamics within the household.

Breakthroughs for Healthy Birth: What “Health Diaries” tell us about financial and medical preparation for giving birth among women in West Bengal and Jharkhand

This research brief will present results from a series of “Health Diaries”—or frequent surveyor-administered surveys—conducted with 45 women in West Bengal and Jharkhand, India to uncover how low-income women prepare for and experience childbirth and its associated costs.

Breakthroughs in Affordable Health Care: What ‘Health Diaries’ tell us about managing health care and costs among women in West Bengal and Jharkhand

This research brief presents results from a series of “Health Diaries” — or frequent surveyor-administered surveys — conducted with 45 women in West Bengal and Jharkhand, India and focuses on key findings related to treatment seeking behavior, access to services and insurance, how out-of-pocket costs are managed and who makes the decisions in the household regarding health care and how to pay for it.

Healthy Mothers Make Healthy Communities: Research Brief

In 2017, the Maa aur Shishu Swasthya (Mother and Child Health) Program, implemented across West Bengal with a key financial service partner, Aikyatan Development Society (ADS), focused on improving knowledge and behaviors related to pregnancy and childbirth. This research brief outlines the results from a pre- and post-test assessment with women’s self-help groups to determine the effectiveness of Pictorial Learning Conversations in improving knowledge and behaviors related to pregnancy and childbirth.
