Speaking at the University of Hong Kong, Grameen Foundation president Alex Counts identified four reasons why so many people are still living below the poverty line.
Grameen Foundation in the News
Grameen Foundation president Alex Counts discuss how microfinance can help in rebuilding Haiti following the devastating earthquake.
Grameen Foundation president Alex Counts discusses Haiti relief efforts with Shira Lazar, host of "On The Scene".
Kate Druschel Griffin, director of Grameen Foundation's Solutions for the Poorest program, discusses ways to provide poor people with safe access to savings accounts. Grameen Foundation's new Microsavings Initiative is among a group of projects being funded by the Gates Foundation.
Grameen Foundation president Alex Counts appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal to dicusses microfinance, both internationally and in the U.S.
In this guest blog post, George Conard, executive director of Grameen Foundation's Technology for Microfinance initiatve discusses how technology can be used to advance the fight against global poverty. The blog post orginally appeared on "Microsoft on the Issues".
In her debut blog on the Huffington Post, actress Yeardley Smith (voice of Lisa Simposon on "The Simpsons") recounts her trip to Haiti to see first-hand the impact of microfinance on the lives of poor women.
The Seattle Times spotlights the appointment of David Edelstein to head the Seattle-based Grameen Technology Center and Grameen Foundation's collaboration with Microsoft on expanding technology use among microfinance institutions.
Peg Ross, director of Grameen Foundation's Human Capital Center, co-authors this piece which examines organizations that work with people living at the "base of the pyramid" and the implications for human resource leaders at these companies. It first appeared in the June 2009 issue of People & Strategy magazine.
The New York Times explores debate about Kiva's lending model and points to Grameen Foundation as one of the options for supporting microfinance.
The Wall Street Journal explores how philanthropists are stretching their charitable dollars through various avenues such as Grameen Foundation's alliance with Schwab Charitable's donor-advised fund. Schwab's donors use up to 10% of the money in their charitable accounts to guarantee microloans.
The Daily Tell, a newspaper dedicated to showcasing "the better side of human nature", discusses actress Yeardley Smith's gift to Grameen Foundation and Haitian microfinance institution Fonkoze.
Grameen Foundation's Community Knowledge Worker initiative is among nine grants totalling $120 million that have been awarded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to support agriculture in developing countries. This Seattle Times article profiles the Gates Foundation's efforts to boost agriculture and support poor farmers.
In this New York Times article, Eric Cantor, director of Grameen Foundation's AppLab Uganda initiative, explains how cell phones are being used to give Ugandans health tips and information to protect their livestock and produce.
Question Box, a joint project between Grameen Foundation's AppLab and Open Mind, is giving poor Ugandans without direct access to the Internet a new way to get answers to their questions. This piece in the New York Times explores its impact.