Lisa Elénius, Marketing Manager, M-commerce, Ericsson, highlights Grameen Foundation's study of women and mobile phones in India in a piece that explores 5 ways to mobilize women in developing countries
Grameen Foundation in the News
The Washington Post explores the growing importance of microsavings intiatives in supporting the poor, including Grameen Foundation's work in India and the Philippines.
The New York Times' Opinionator blog explores the challenges and breakthroughs in the mHealth field, including Grameen Foundation's MOTECH initiative, which helps pregnant women and new mothers in Ghana
Tim Wood, director of Grameen Foundation's MOTECH initiative, discusses the evolution of the program, which works with pregnant women and new mothers in rural Ghana.
Sean Krepp, Country Director for Grameen Foundation's office in Uganda, discusses how our Community Knowledge Workers serve as 'feet in the field' helping poor farmers access specific information and adopt new farming technology.
Julie Peachey, program manager of Grameen Foundation's microsavings initiative in the Philippines, and Sean DeWitt, director of product, discuss initiatives in India, Indonesia and the Philippines.
Writing in LiveMint, Bill Gates discusses the mobile health program which aims to improve patient care and health outcomes by helping healthcare providers become more efficient, and by making modern medical information easily accessible and relevant to the poor.
It is built on a successful pilot that was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Grameen Foundation president Alex Counts discusses our work in Latin America, including an initiative in Colombia to help poor farmers receive important tips and information to help improve their output and increase their incomes.
In May 2012, Grameen Foundation invested in Musoni Kenya, the first all-mobile microfinance institution, together with KfW Bankengruppe and CARE's Access Africa Fund. This article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review explores how mobile microfinance can improve lives, especially for poor people living in rural areas.
The article is posted on the Grameen Foundation website with the permission of the Stanford Social Innovation Review. All reprints require approval from Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Copyright © 2013 by Leland Stanford Jr. University. All Rights Reserved
Camilla Nestor, Grameen Foundation's vice president for financial services, discusses new innovations in mobile-money platforms that can help the poor.
David Edelstein, co-lead of Grameen Foundation's global programs, discusses the importance of human networks and locally-driven solutions in creating and using technology that truly benefits the poor.
The piece highlights Grameen Foundation's Community Knowledge Worker initiative, which helps poor farmers across Uganda.
Julie Peachey, project manager for Grameen Foundation's microsavings initiative in the Philippines, and Christopher Tan, East and Southeast regional director for Grameen Foundation, discuss the importance of savings to poor people.
This article was first appeared in the April-June 2012 issue of Development Asia magazine and is reprinted with its permission. More information on the magazine is available at //
The article points to Grameen Foundation's work on a mobile app for HIV/AIDS patients and nurses as part of the growing number of potential solutions for sharing information and reaching at-risk groups.
Terry and Anne Guerrant discuss their support for microfinance and Grameen Foundation.