
Human-Centered Design

Lessons Learned in Designing Online Education to Empower Women

January 02, 2020 by HABI Education Lab, Grameen Foundation content partner

In 2015, Grameen Foundation launched the Community Agent Network (CAN).  Its goal was to improve the resilience of the financially unserved and underserved by building a last-mile network of Grameen Community Agents in micro and small neighborhood shops to provide digital financial services (DFS)  to their neighbors in remote villages in the Philippines. 

How can we strengthen women’s economic empowerment in Central America? With a $368K matching fund and wrap-around support

April 16, 2019 by Amelia Kuklewicz and Elliott Collins

Entrepreneurship is a vital part of life for women in Central America, where unemployment is 50 percent higher for women than for men. But women entrepreneurs are squeezed from many sides as they struggle to launch and grow their businesses.

Data-Driven Agriculture: The future of smallholder farmer data management and use

In 2018, Grameen Foundation authored a landscape assessment on the use for data in support of smallholder farmers and agricultural development. This infographic summarizes a few of the main findings, and can serve as a launching pad for those considering how to harness the power of big data and digital technology for agricultural innovation. For a related blog, "Big Data and Smallholder Farmers," click here.

Using Digital Technology and Data to Strengthen the Resilience of Coconut Farmers

In the Philippines, more than three million coconut smallholder farmers supply a multi-billion dollar export industry. Yet, they are among the poorest households in the country.  Grameen Foundation developed FarmerLink, using digital technology and field agents to provide farmers with complimentary resources: agricultural training, connections to high-value markets, support for organic certification, training in financial management, and access to financing.

Financial Inclusion’s Missing Link: What about the credit officer?

June 13, 2017 by Amelia Kuklewicz

As an industry, we have made significant strides in understanding, measuring and tracking financial inclusion worldwide. One sign is the steady stream of emails, conferences and webinars discussing best practices for creating useful, affordable products and services, educating clients appropriately, and safeguarding their rights. But there is one crucial element missing from most of these discussions: frontline staff.

Yet, microfinance field officers play an outsized role in the lives of poor families.