June 22, 2011
Grameen Foundation founder, President and CEO Alex Counts is in the beginning phase of working on a new book on microfinance in Haiti, focusing in particular on the country's best-known microfinance institution, Fonkoze.
Alex is in Haiti now, conducting research and working closely with Fonkoze staff and meeting with borrowers to find out more about what's working, what's not, and the organization's overall impact on the poor. You can follow along with Alex's progress at his blog, where he is posting updates on his activities, including videos and drafts from his book. As Alex says, "I hope lots of people will take interest in this project, check out the postings and comment on them, so I can improve my thinking and writing, and even repost/circulate what I post to draw in others."
All proceeds from the book, which Alex expects to publish in early 2013, will benefit Grameen Foundation and our efforts to empower the poor through access to small loans, valuable information and unique business opportunities. Alex has also set up a Facebook page for the book, which we encourage you to "like" and follow!