
Grameen Foundation and FAO Release Policy Brief on Future of eAgriculture

May 08, 2014

Grameen Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have released a new policy brief on ICT in agriculture for the upcoming World Summit of the Information Society review and conference (WSIS+10) to be held in June 2014. Titled "e-Agriculture: Looking back and moving forward", the brief provides recommendations for governments and project implementers on the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in agriculture and rural development. Some of the key points focus on measuring the impact of ICT interventions and the challenges facing women and youth.

The recommendations are based on discussions from an online forum the two organizations hosted to gather different perspectives from practitioners about the major achievements and challenges of using ICTs in agriculture. In the forum, which was held November 25 to December 6, 2013, participants shared their successes and failures and gave examples of possible models to emulate and upscale.