
Blog Posts By: Bee Wuethrich


Grameen Foundation in India is training poor women in digital and financial literacy so they can launch microenterprises that extend financial services to their neighbors. The program is breaking barriers of caste and access, as seen in the story of Sindhu, the first Grameen Mitra. 


“It’s not culturally common for us to work with foundations and NGOS--we’re a bank,” said Matthew Arnold, the Global Head of Sustainable Finance for JPMorgan Chase, which handles US$2 trillion in assets.

He was speaking in Seattle on Nov. 2, during a breakfast panel with Paul Moseley, Program Officer, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Steve Hollingworth, President and CEO of Grameen Foundation. So, perhaps it was a trio of unlikely bedfellows--but perhaps not.

The panel, hosted by Global Washington and the Seattle World Affairs Council, was focused on the topic of financing sustainable agriculture. It drew a full house, and the conversation had even more kick than the early morning coffee as panelists and audience considered what it will take to make a difference for food security and the world’s 500 million smallholder farmer households.